Cultivating Greatness 

808 635-6569

our Story

Is your home at one with nature? LET US help.

Our Story

From the Palace of Versailles to your doctor's office, landscaping is an important part of an establishment's visual impression. We believe it ought to be beautiful, thoughtful, and well done. Always. 

Our Mission

Horticulture has fascinated Jonathan Bernard, Kauai Northshore Nursery's founder, as long as he can remember. Passed down from his family, it was a natural progression to get his hands dirty, grow beautiful plants and help people designing beautiful landscapes. 

After moving to Kauai in 2016, he anticipated to start a tropical plant nursery and help people create outstanding landscapes. Wanting to get closer to nature and share his love for plants, he started Kauai Northshore Nursery, specializing in growing endemic Hawaiian plants and creating beautiful landscapes for all to appreciate

If you want a quote from a landscape architect, contact us.